Archive of: Carer Support
Organisations' generosity brings Christmas cheer to our clients and volunteers
04 January 2023
The generosity and support of a number of local, national and international organisations brought a smile to the faces of Cotswold Friends clients and volunteers over the Christmas period.
Christmas Bags to our Befriending & Carer Support clients
15 December 2020
Christmas cheer delivered to our Befriending & Carer Respite clients
Cotswold Friends Adapt Services to Continue Support
20 March 2020
“The North Cotswolds is a wonderful community and we will pull together to make this work.”
Christmas party fun at the Moreton Fire College
17 December 2017
Satsumas, singing, Santa and shared conversations - who could ask for more!
Who Cares For The Carers?
04 August 2015
It is often difficult for carers to take a break from their caring responsibilities, but regular breaks are vital to allow carers to stay well themselves. Carers need to visit friends, go shopping, attend their own medical appointments, walk the dog, and some even use their respite breaks to go to bed and catch up on some much needed sleep!
Volunteer Befrienders to support Full-time Carers
14 May 2015
Volunteers are urgently needed to sit with, and befriend, a cared-for person…
Can you spare some time to help care for a carer?
27 January 2015
Volunteers are being sought by a Cotswold charity to help care for a carer.
Charity appeals for more volunteers – Carer Respite Service
20 June 2014
A Cotswold charity is in desperate need of some more volunteers so it can continue its vital support to full-time carers.